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Dawn of War: Coalescence - Cancelled


Alpha Legion Terminator Lord

Character traits: Laid-back, Heavy, Powerful and Ruthless

One of the most powerful warriors in a chaos marine force. Evil incarnate in a nigh indestructible suit of high-grade power-armour.

Black Legion Sorcerer

Character Traits: Nervous, Cunning, Devious, Arrogant

A  powerful chaos psyker able to tear reality apart with his psychich powers. A high level officer in the chaos marine faction.

Chaos Renegades - Hades

Character traits: Slow, Thoughtful, Devious

The chaos renegades are regular troops that are more or less loosely affiliated with chaos compared to other elements. The Hades is a warmachine, a siege-engine that burrows underground to appear and spread chaos in the middle of enemy formations.

Emperors Children Chosen Champion

Character Traits: Smug, Arrogant, Impatient, Bigoted

A squad leader of an elite chaos unit of the Slaaneshi faction. The Slaaneshi are sinister deviants who worship pleasure and sensation and take sensual experiences to the extreme. They use soundbased weaponry to tear apart their enemies while reveling in the pain they cause.

Emperors Children Chosen

Character Traits: Smug, Arrogant, Impatient, Bloodthirsty

The elite marines of the Emperors Children Slaaneshi chaos faction. They are sinister deviants who worship pleasure and sensation. They use soundbased weaponry to obliterate their enemies.

Red Corsairs - Huntmaster

Character Traits: Wild, Bloodthirsty, Speedfreak

A chaos marine riding a combat motorcycle.

Thousand Sons - Thrall Wizards

Character Traits: Cowardly, Fanatic

Wizard apprentices that are in effect slaves. They are to a man pompous and arrogant, but act sycophantic and submissive on the outside to curry favour.

Traitor Guard Veteran Sergeant

Character Traits: Battlehardened, Professional, Fanatical

Imperial Guardsman that have been influenced by and converted to chaos. He holds all the regular training and bulldog attitude of a sergeant, but is also peppered with the fanatical attitude of a chaos cultist.

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The Imperium

Blood Ravens Commander

Character traits: Confident, Strong, Courageous

The commander of a Blood Ravens Space Marine Element. Superhuman and armed with some of the best equipment the Imperium can provide. Unfaltering in his devotion to the chapter and to the emperor of mankind. 

Kanak Skull Takers - Warchief Command Squad

Character Traits: Nervous, Confident, Spiritual, Primitive

Not all the worlds colonized by humans have retained their knowledge of advanced technology. On some worlds the civilization has regressed to a pre-industrial state, some like the Kanak have regressed back to tribalism and a near stone-age level of technology.

The Warchief of the dominant tribe surrounds himself with his most trusted men, like his standard bearer and the imperial liaison in charge of the more advanced technical equipment like teleporters.

Lost Chapter Standard Bearer

Character traits: Slow, Decisive, Concerned

Veteran space marine charged with leading and instructing the recruits who aspire to become space marines of his chapter.

Red Scorpions Chaplain

Character Traits: Fervent, Decisive, Supremacist, Merciless

The chaplains job is to maintain and uplift the spirits of his fellow battlebrothers. He guards them from dangers both real and imagined and keeps a rigorous hold of the absolute faith in the emperor of mankind. 

Ravenguard Champion

Character Traits: Confident, Loyal, Strong

The Champion is the single most capable fighter in any given space marine chapter, with the exception of maybe the commander himself. Powerful, loyal to a faultand a tactician of high calibre.

Space Marine Captain/Terminator Captain

Character Traits: Bombastic, Confident, Terse

A high ranking leader and field commander. Bombastic and larger than life he inspires his troops through both words and deeds.

Space Wolves Mighty Guard

Character Traits: Proud, Decisive, Savage

Veteran space marines of the space wolves chapter. Their design is that of vikings of old and norse culture.

Space Wolves Mighty Guard Leader

Character Traits: Battlehardened, Decisive, Savage

Old, wise and strong, the Mighty Guard leader guides his pack of warriors.


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Shadow Spectres Exarch

Character traits: Cold, Spectral, Unfeeling

Souls of dead Eldar enshrined in 'spirit stones' and willingly confined to a warmachine in order to continue fighting.

Wasp Assault Walker

Character Traits: Nervous, Savage, Battlehungry

Piloted assault battleframes. 


Character traits: Cold, calculating

Battleframes piloted by a set of twins in mental synch.

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